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M4L Organization Profiler

How clearly do you see your company? Is it the reality? Or it is just the way you wish to see it? consequently, how strongly do you believe in your company’s performance?

How often do you think of getting a consultant to interpret something for you, or solve a specific dilemma, or to help get out of a chronic problem?

Have you ever thought deeply on how does that mechanism work to end up with the current level of performance as well as the current challenges?

Have you ever questioned the reasons for your company’s current level of performance? How effectively do you work on how to develop that, do you get the results up to your expectations, even when getting a support from an external consultant?

How long do your managers spend to get a good idea about your company’s profile, behavior, culture…etc?

How clearly do you see your internal part of the SWOT analysis (strengths and weaknesses)? How effectively do you rely on your strengths to succeed? And how do you prepare development plans to work on the weaknesses?

Have you defined your core competencies clearly enough to hire and promote based on them?

Companies as living entities react positively or negatively to events depending on each company’s strategic factors that form its unique profile, if factors are not properly aligned, company’s reaction is always random and unpredictable.